I have been working on developing a new blog for a few days now. TODAY IT IS OFFICIAL. This blog has relocated. Please update you feeds and links to www.subversiveREFORMATION.com.
Sunday, June 01, 2008
Friday, May 30, 2008
Monday, May 26, 2008
Envision: Location, The Historical District.
Princeton is perfect. The perfect location. Well... not perfect... but good.
Envision '08 (EV08) is being held at Princeton University. I've done a minimal to fair amount of historical research on Princeton both in a post-protestant-reformation course and independently. The study of religious development in the British colonization period has always fascinated me most particularly due to my interest in the protestant reformation and its movement from the halls in Germany throughout Switzerland and England and then ultimately to the land we now call the United States. I've also been astounded at the misunderstanding and appalling stances and language centering around the concept of "separation of church and state." My undergraduate Senior Colloquium project was entitled "'Separation of church and state' cannot exist."
Formerly The College of New Jersey, Princeton was the fourth college established in British North America preceded by Harvard, William and Mary, and Yale. As stated in the online document, Princeton University in the American Revolution, "The charter was issued to a self-perpetuating board of trustees who were acting in behalf of the evangelical or New Light wing of the Presbyterian Church, but the College had no legal or constitutional identification with that denomination. Its doors were to be open to all students, 'any different sentiments in religion notwithstanding.' The announced purpose of the founders was to train men who would become 'ornaments of the State as well as the Church.'" I may deal in greater detail with the subject of "church and state" soon (as it is quite fitting for the EV08 theme of "the gospel, politics, and the future").
The University is extremely rich in history yet the conference focuses on envisioning the future. I have to wonder if there was some ingenious creativity from the planning board in selecting the location. Aside from the implications given by Princeton's existence as a premiere research university from which emerges great scholarship, leadership, and innovation, does the location suggest the necessity for the church to return to its ancient roots? What parts of church history need revisited and recovered? As the church progresses from the past should it/we also progress toward the past?
Posted by
:::: Travis Keller ::::
10:57 PM
Labels: college, conference, denomination, ecclesia, emergent, Envision, history, hope, Princeton, theology
Sunday, May 25, 2008
Envision: Question 1.
A couple weeks ago I posted a question about the church. Actually it was a phrase that read "When I hear the word church..." There were (7) options from which to choose:
I want to regurgitate.
I envision social justice.
I view people talking about God.
I crave community.
I picture people in pews.
I reflect on covenant.
I think of my family.
All of the choices may be individually or simultaneously plausible on some level depending on one's understanding and experience of church. Hoping to receive an "initial reaction" or to at least stimulate more thought I chose to disable the option allowing one to give multiple answers. Now I am much more curious about the thought process. You may offer an explanation of your survey answer or simply respond to the question:
What do you think when you hear the word "church?"
Friday, May 23, 2008
I received an e-mail from Keelan Downton, Assistant Professor of Narrative Biblical Theology at Somerset Christian College about blogging for the upcoming Envision Conference held at Princeton Theological Seminary. Many of my upcoming posts will flow around the conference conversation theme of the gospel, politics, and the future. Your comments concerning the current situation of the church and an envisioned direction are highly valued. Please click and write in the "THOUGHTS" link at the bottom of each Envision post so that we may engage in dialogue together before, during, and after the conference. I also hope to begin some analysis of what Keelan called "a recent barrage of 'manifestos'" including The Emergent Manifesto of Hope, The Evangelical Manifesto, and The Holiness Manifesto.
I'll be flying out of Columbus, OH for my first trip to New Jersey where I'll be crashing at my aunt's home if I do not stay on campus at Princeton. I'm sure my mind will need some good rest from the interactions with the many speakers, authors, teachers, and missional practitioners including Miroslav Volf, Ron Sider, Jim Wallis, Brian McLaren, Brenda Salter McNeil, Shane Claiborne, Jeremy Del Rio, Doug Pagitt, and Bart Campolo. I'm very excited about the diversity of the speakers and the Learning Tracks that are being offered.
There is also an online dialogue June 2-3 to help create a statement entitled, “Envision the Future: The Next Decade” using a collaboration software called Synanim. The forum may be especially interesting and useful for those who are unable to be present at the conference. Be sure to sign up to engage in the online discussion about the problems and/or issues that need addressed in/by the church. It is free to sign up for the online dialogue enabling you to offer your voice in the conversation.
What questions would you find interesting to be posed at the conference?
Sunday, May 18, 2008
Curriculum Video.
I just found the video below online. A friend of mine wrote a curriculum for students transitioning from high school to college. He is now partnering with Josh McDowell for a conference on faith issues during transition. He took some clips in his living room a little over a year ago. Here I am talking about the doubt that I journeyed through while studying theology in college. And, yes, I still doubt. I still have a lot of the same questions that come to mind. Please give your response to the question to the right.
Wednesday, May 14, 2008
Friday, May 09, 2008
When I hear the word "church..."
Please take a moment to add your perspective to the survey on the right. If you are recieving this post via a feed subscription (thank you for your subscription), please visit the site: www.subversivereformation.blogspot.com.
Posted by
:::: Travis Keller ::::
12:18 AM
Labels: church, perspective, reformation
Wednesday, May 07, 2008
Tuesday, May 06, 2008
The Gods Aren't Angry: Rob Bell
I took the Oakwood Hall staff to see THE GOD'S AREN'T ANGRY TOUR on December 2 in Cleveland. As I sat listening to the final portion of the teaching, a solitary tear ran down my cheek. A phrase was repeated over and over and over again and was the same phrase that I heard from my wife and a mentor during my journey in experiencing freedom. A video recording of the tour is now available on DVD and will begin shipping June 6. Students at MVNU are welcome to borrow my copy for personal use.
I highly suggest a viewing of this teaching for everyone but most particularly for all those who have made it the purpose of their life's existence to critique Rob Bell or any type of teaching that is seemingly emergent in nature. Click the image above to be directed to thegodsarentangry.com where you may preview and purchase the teaching on DVD.
Monday, May 05, 2008
"Respond to this statement:..."
I am somewhat frequently interviewed by students here at MVNU for Research Writing projects, Public Speaking presentations, or Christian Life and Ministry papers. Tonight I was interviewed by Daniel Coutz. It was one of the more thoughtful interviews that I have experienced and I appreciated the approach. The conversation went something like this:
Daniel: "Respond to this statement: The United States is a Christian Nation."
Travis: "No earthly empire is distinctively in keeping with the way of Jesus. Those who claim the United States to be a Christian nation need to enroll in a post-reformation church history course that discusses the period of American colonization. Also helpful would be a study in theology and philosophy to explore the definitions of theism, deism, and idolatry.
Daniel: "Do you feel the American flag should be displayed in churches? Why or why not?"
Travis: "No. The church is laced with a history of symbol and icon for visual engagement in worship and when one considers what the American flag represents I would have to question what one is worshiping. I would have no problem with displaying a flag in a church if it was displayed beside every other flag of every other nation so long as the symbol is understood to represent equality and unity.
Daniel: "Respond to this statement: The loyalty of a person belongs first to his country."
Travis: "Why would one view an earthly empire as something to which giving loyalty is necessary or a priority? My suggestion is that most would give said loyalty due to an enculturation that promotes a sense of loyalty as nessecary. I would also suggest it has something to do with the supposed 'safety' provided by the military branch of a certain country's government. Fear would be that which fuels loyalty to an earthly empire."
Daniel: "Respond to this statement. Christians living in the United States should be patriotic about the United States."
Travis: "One's definition of patriotism would be primary. I find it problematic for a follower of Jesus to pledge his allegiance to an earthly nation. So in the sense that the recitation of the 'Pledge of Allegiance' is patriotic, then patriotism may be considered contrary to 'worshipping no other gods.'"
Posted by
:::: Travis Keller ::::
1:09 AM
Labels: church, conforming, culture, deconstruction, dialogue, empire, government, image, kingdom, mvnu, politics, reformation, symbol, theology, worship
Saturday, May 03, 2008
Rob and Big.
This post is part II of II of possibly the 2 most shallow and unthoughtful posts I've ever written and may or may not include a certain amount of sarcasm.
I have recently heard from several guys in Oakwood Hall that "Rob and Big" is one of the funniest shows to ever air. I watched portions of the MTV2 reality show both by myself and with others as well as on the TV and on YouTube. I have since concluded that "Rob and Big" is not funny. Rob is definitely not funny at all and the character Big is only mildly funny at best (meaning that I gave one small chuckle that was forced). I think that they are not funny because they are trying to be funny and they think that they are funny. Their attempt at humor is actually self-absorbed, terribly shallow (as is this post; see "disclaimer"), and forced. Things that are truly funny include:
1. The Office
2. Lee Yowell
3. Jerry Seinfeld
4. "So You Think You Can Dance?" tryouts
Posted by
:::: Travis Keller ::::
1:08 AM
Friday, May 02, 2008
Facebook Flair.
This post is part I of II of possibly the 2 most shallow and unthoughtful posts I've ever written and may or may not include a certain amount of sarcasm.If you have Facebook and you are reading this blog then I assuming that you are awesome enough to have the application "Pieces of Flair" included on your profile. Please add the subversiveREFORMATION flair button that I created. It may be found by searching the keywords "travis," "keller," "mvnu," "church," or "reformation." So far it is being used by 62 dedicated friends.
Posted by
:::: Travis Keller ::::
10:29 PM
Labels: community, internet, reformation, sarcasm
Tuesday, April 29, 2008
What is your label?
Ever since my college undergraduate experience I have had to contemplate whether or not to proceed with any form of ordination or licensure as a "professional minister" [if such a person can even really exist (see next entry)]. Having earned my B.A. in Theology and being in process with my M.A. in Religion (Missional Leadership) I well exceed the educational "requirements/qualifications" to be a "licensed" minister in the Church of the Nazarene. There remains something unsettling, however, every time I consider officially affiliating myself with any given denomination. To an even greater degree I find it problematic to own a certificate labeling myself as a "minister" (once again, see next entry).
Why do we insist on methods of labeling and categorization?
Can we not be followers of Jesus / teachers of the way of Jesus without "credentials?"
Why do we adhere ourselves to certain denominational tribes?
What labels are healthy or unhealthy?
How do you label yourself?
How do others label you?
How do you label others?
Please leave your thoughts and check out the survey tool to the right.
Posted by
:::: Travis Keller ::::
2:35 AM
Labels: church, denomination, education, jesus, labels, leadership, life, missional, modernism, thought
Sunday, April 27, 2008
I don't like oil.
After hearing and reading about the 48 hour closure of the North Sea oil pipeline due to the 1,200 person union strike at the Grangemouth, Scotland refinery, I began to think about dependency. Motorists and consumers were urged by the government "not to hoard fuel, saying there would be enough to go around." In attempt to offset the 700,000 barrels of oil per day supplied by the pipeline and to ensure that there is "enough to go around" the Scottish government is importing 72,000 tons of fuel from Europe. Some fuel stations in Edinburgh are limiting purchases while others have already reported they have run out of gas.
What happens when there is "not enough to go around?"
People cannot travel (unless they walk or bike).
People cannot get to work (unless they work in their own community).
People cannot earn notes of exchage (see above).
People cannot buy food (unless they know local farmers and/or trade other possessions).
People cannot eat (unless they grow their own food or know local farmers).
We are obviously an oil dependent people. What all are we dependent upon that may need remedied where we would be deeply troubled if there was "not enough to go around?
Posted by
:::: Travis Keller ::::
5:09 PM
Labels: community, consumption, dependency, oil
Wednesday, April 23, 2008
On Community.
The following is a thought I posted for my Premodern, Modern, and Postmodern Philosophy course:
Our current "normal sense of community" is actually quite individualistic. Much "dialogue" is actually "monologue" when one person conversing merely desires his/her opinion to be heard and acted upon rather than both parties seeking mutual understanding to consider the validity of multiple persons' claims and thoughts within conversation. "Communitas" rests in thought that seeks to dissipate one's individualism for the sake of genuine dialogue. In order to engange in the exchange of thought each one involved in the conversation must view himself/herself not as an individual with rights and truth claims but rather as a member of a group who contributes and receives simultaneously resulting in community.
To seek one's own individual desires is contrary to the biblical concept of the Church. The self must be an element that is secondary to the well-being of the community. Seeking "communitas" is the process of enacting love for one's neighbor. Acting and conversing for the good of the neighbor and consequently the good of the community is the demonstration given by Jesus through his incarnation. When "communitas" is in process then love is being made complete.
Due to the potentially argumentative nature of speech, the concept of dialogue in "communitas" must exceed verbal expression. The sharing of life and ideas in a loving manner is more appropriately handled experientially.
In order to create a “commons” in my current context of community I would experiment with social engagement. I would approach dialogue with contemporaries in a manner that incorporates mutual questioning and service. Questioning would involve ministry partners seeking dialogue beyond ourselves and asking questions to others to sincerely receive and consider their perspective. By doing so the concept of “us/them” transforms to an understanding of “us.” The hope would be that conversation would promote and initiate mutual service of giving to and receiving from each other. Experimentation with active service that seeks social justice creates a common missional perspective that is the very essence of the Church.
Posted by
:::: Travis Keller ::::
3:00 AM
Labels: church, community, dialogue, jesus, Philosophy, postmodern
Thursday, April 17, 2008
A Confession for the Church.
There were about 70-80 well-dressed, "appropriately adorned," monetarily secure and even affluent individuals conversing, smiling, and mingling while circling the San Diego Bay on a dessert cruise. Cheesecake and chocolate truffles had been served along with coffee and much remained to be eaten. The cruise was a type of celebration or at least a designated time to relax and enjoy company after several days of meetings and meals in dialogue about leadership, strengths, and vision for student leadership in the way of Jesus on college campuses. After consuming the freshness of the crisp air, the sweet flavored delicacies, the lights of the city, and the warmth of relationship the boat docked.
Upon descending from the ramp connecting the boat to the city sidewalk and proceeding to the shuttle for the return trip to the hotel, there were about 70-80 well-dressed, "appropriately adorned," monetarily secure and even affluent individuals conversing, smiling, and mingling while three individuals prepared their separate "beds" on cold, hard, street-side benches. One had a shopping cart with some blankets and cardboard. As he laid down and covered up there were about 70-80 well-dressed, "appropriately adorned," monetarily secure and even affluent individuals conversing, smiling, and mingling who WALKED RIGHT BY.
The "religious elite" composed of student leaders and staff members from a theological seminary and eight "Christian" colleges WALKED RIGHT BY.
Not a word spoken.
Only a glance.
I thought for only an instant... "I should stop. I should ask if there is something I could do to help. I could catch a cab back to the hotel after having a conversation with this man."
"But everyone will see me. I don't want to appear hyper-religious or provide a poor representation of engaging people with the love of Jesus."
So I continued on.
I was part of the "religious elite" who had better things to do or at least a certain image to maintain. Meanwhile, I was hyper-religious and provided a poor representation of engaging people with the love of Jesus.
On behalf of the Church.
To the church.
I apologize.
Posted by
:::: Travis Keller ::::
6:30 PM
Labels: arrogance, compassion, confession, conforming, consumption, jesus, leadership, people, relationship, religion, service, sociology, thought, vision
An Industry to Cover Reality.
Posted by
:::: Travis Keller ::::
12:05 AM
Labels: church, consumption, jesus, mclaren, theology, worship
Tuesday, April 15, 2008
"Emerging" and "Emergent"
Tony Jones was asked a question that I continually hear: "What is the difference between 'Emerging' and 'Emergent?' I have never had a very good response for all of those who seek my opinion/input about issues of ecclesiology but Tony has an :: OUTSTANDING reply :: that I suggest all read. Thank you Tony for giving my reply that I could not articulate.
Posted by
:::: Travis Keller ::::
11:37 PM
Labels: church, deconstruction, emergent, kingdom, theology, thought
Monday, April 07, 2008
James Taylor, Colbie Caillat, & Coldplay
I am very pleased with my daughters seeming appreciation for music. She glances with bright eyes and bounces her body and head when she hears the tunes and melodies. She has taken a particular liking to James Taylor, Colbie Caillat, and Coldplay. We'll be listening to some John Mayer and James Yorkston later and will see her reaction to them as well.
:: Photograph by Micki Clark (Portfolio) ::
Posted by
:::: Travis Keller ::::
3:04 PM
Tuesday, April 01, 2008
People in Public.
It is fascinating to watch people in an airport. Each one looks so unique and different yet all are disparagingly similar. Can anyone explain this seeming paradox of humanity?
Posted by
:::: Travis Keller ::::
7:57 AM
Saturday, March 29, 2008
Volf, Dawkins, Wright, Smith, Derrida, and Tim.
My friend Tim Barenscheer and I have been highly involved with each other's development as we journey through our philosophical wonderings and thoughts on the Kingdom of God. It's a beautiful thing having a contemporary and friend with whom honesty and vulnerability exist genuinely without pretense. I've been sharing my thoughts with Tim about my "Premodern, Modern, and Postmodern Philosophy" course including readings from Roxburgh's The Sky is Falling: Leaders Lost in Transition, Dawkins' The God Delusion, and James K.A. Smith's Who's Afraid of Postmodernism?: Taking Derrida, Lyotard, and Foucault to Church. Tim has been conversing with Caputo's What Would Jesus Deconstruct?: The Good News of Postmodernism for the Church and has given me two of N.T. Wright's volumes, Jesus and the Victory of God and The New Testament and the People of God, that I've been wanting and will work through this summer following my course. I gave Tim Miroslav Volf's The End of Memory. Anyone desiring to have a greater understanding of Jesus, culture, and the Kingdom of God may want to check out any or all of the aforementioned texts.
Posted by
:::: Travis Keller ::::
9:46 AM
1 thoughts
Labels: book, church, culture, deconstruction, dialogue, emergent, jesus, journey, kingdom, people, postmodern, reading, relationship
Thursday, March 27, 2008
"Everything is Spiritual."
If everything is spiritual then nothing is spiritual because nothing is by its own existence something and therefore has to be part of everything. To say that nothing is spiritual is to affirm to a greater degree that everything is indeed spiritual.
Posted by
:::: Travis Keller ::::
10:08 PM
Labels: Philosophy, theology, thought
Tuesday, March 18, 2008
Success makes me happy?
What is success?
What is happiness?
Posted by
:::: Travis Keller ::::
9:55 AM
Thursday, March 13, 2008
Top 5: Best Film, Athletic Theme
Top Five: Best Film, Athletic Theme
5. Rudy
4. Hoosiers
3. Remeber the Titans
2. We Are Marshall
And the SRWGFA (Subversive Reformation Writers Guild Film Award) goes to:
1. Miracle
Top Five: Rocky Films
4. Rocky II
5. Rocky I
3. Rocky III
2. Rocky Balboa
And the SRWGFA goes to:
1. Rocky IV
Posted by
:::: Travis Keller ::::
11:52 AM
Wednesday, March 05, 2008
I did.
After much deliberation I did decide to vote this year (at least in the Ohio, March 4 election). I primarily decided to vote due to a tax levy for the Knox County MR/DD. I could have justified voting "no" but after much careful consideration, prayer, and dialogue with intelligent, informed friends, I did vote yes for the tax levy. My primary dilemna was one considering the role of the Church and the role of government. Another post will further unpack said dilemna. The only other position for which I voted was the Democratic Party presidential candidate. I voted for Barack Obama. Once again, another post will further unpack my decision.
Posted by
:::: Travis Keller ::::
3:13 PM
Labels: church, government, issues, politics
Tuesday, March 04, 2008
Walter Brueggemann
Author and Old Testament scholar Walter Brueggemann will be teaching tonight at Mount Vernon Nazarene University @ 7:30 p.m. in the R.R. Hodges Chapel Auditorium. For all friends and acquaintances we will be gathering in our apartment (Oakwood Hall RD Apt.) immediately following the lecture for coffee, tea, and something else equally arbitrary.
Posted by
:::: Travis Keller ::::
2:03 PM
Labels: mvnu, old testament, teaching, writing
Sunday, March 02, 2008
The Greatest Film of All Time is...
Most award or reality TV shows wait until the end of the show or for the season finale to reveal the ultimate winner of any given competition. The "Subversive Reformation Writers Guild Film Awards" however is neither an award/reality TV show nor a competition. Rather, the SRWGFAs exist to rearticulate the goodness of good films. All bad films have already been completely dismissed.
The Greatest Film of All Time is...
Here are the reasons why BRAVEHEART is the SRWGFA Greatest Film of All Time:
Narrator: I shall tell you of William Wallace. Historians from England will say I am a liar, but history is written by those who have hanged heroes.
Narrator: In the Year of our Lord 1314, patriots of Scotland - starving and outnumbered - charged the fields of Bannockburn. They fought like warrior poets; they fought like Scotsmen, and won their freedom.
Princess Isabelle: The king desires peace.
William Wallace: Longshanks desires peace?
Princess Isabelle: He declares it to me, I swear it. He proposes that you withdraw your attack. In return he grants you title, estates, and this chest of gold which I am to pay to you personally.
William Wallace: A lordship and titles. Gold. That I should become Judas?
Princess Isabelle: Peace is made in such ways.
William Wallace: Slaves are made in such ways. The last time Longshanks spoke of peace I was a boy. And many Scottish nobles, who would not be slaves, were lured by him under a flag of truce to a barn, where he had them hanged. I was very young, but I remember Longshank's notion of peace.
William Wallace: There's a difference between us. You think the people of this country exist to provide you with position. I think your position exists to provide those people with freedom. And I go to make sure that they have it.
William Wallace: It's all for nothing if you don't have freedom.
Malcolm Wallace: Your heart is free. Have the courage to follow it.
William Wallace: Every man dies, not every man really lives.
Posted by
:::: Travis Keller ::::
12:10 AM
Saturday, March 01, 2008
The Week of the Interview.
A week of interviewing 64 candidates for Resident Assistant and Spiritual Life Assistant positions caused a brief hiatus in my posting. It is intriguing to experience different personalities communicating and expressing themselves in both individual and group interview settings. Psychological and sociological observations could be conducted in the setting of an interview. I was fascinated.
I was also highly encouraged to be reminded of the energy and passion that college students have to be servants and to love incoming students so that they may experience the love of Jesus.
Posted by
:::: Travis Keller ::::
1:07 AM
Labels: culture, humanity, mvnu, psychology, sociology
Sunday, February 24, 2008
Oscar is not a good name.
For those of you named Oscar please do not take offense. I actually really like the name Oscar for human being or for a grouch just not for an award. I am trying to think of a name to call my Film Awards that I am beginning in March. Some of you already commented with a few of your thoughts. Without giving any certain order or category, here are the films that are in the running to be mentioned. Please add your nominations.
Shawshank Redemption
The Green Mile
Reign Over Me
The Prestige
Forrest Gump
Lord of the Rings: Two Towers
A Beautiful Mind
Pay it Forward
Mr. Holland's Opus
Saving Private Ryan
Kingdom of Heaven
The Matrix
Fight Club
The Bourne Ultimatum
Cinderella Man
Blood Diamond
Batman Begins
Dangerous Minds
Finding Forrester
John Q
Antwone Fisher
This list is definitely not exhaustive or complete. Please add your nominations.
Posted by
:::: Travis Keller ::::
10:36 PM
Labels: film
Friday, February 22, 2008
I was just browsing Shelfari and came across a member whose screen name is "nonconformist." Isn't it somewhat conformist to claim oneself as a nonconformist? There are enough people claiming the label of "nonconfirmist" that it is now conforming to do so. The pattern toward which conforming is really taking place is that of arrogance. There exists a certain connotation toward pride of self when one labels oneself as a person who does not "conform" as if everybody else does conform to some measurable standard or cultural norm. So to all self-proclaimed "nonconformists," I say, "Quit conforming" to the patterns of this world.
May we seek humility.
Posted by
:::: Travis Keller ::::
6:24 PM
Labels: arrogance, conforming, culture, humanity, humility, people
Wednesday, February 20, 2008
Our Lives and Minds on Film.
Coming soon to a Subversive Reformation near you.
Opening Saturday, March 1.
Subversive Reformation will be posting a series of entries dedicated to the screen play writing, the cinematography, the digital editing, and the acting that is the religious and culturally formative film industry. I will be composing several posts that include the competitive ranking of films in pliable labeling systems including:
Most Intellectually Stimulating Film
Best Picture on Reality
Most Inspiring Monologue
Best Character Development
Most Meaningful Film
High Entertainment Value
Please post your film recommendations for any of the above categories and also suggest other categories.
Posted by
:::: Travis Keller ::::
7:30 PM
Labels: culture, entertainment, film, thought
Tuesday, February 19, 2008
NOOMA Open | 019 Rob Bell: A Preview.
Click here --> NOOMA Open | 019 Rob Bell by 12:26 Wednesday. The newest NOOMA short film is available for preview on Facebook for only 48 hours prior to its release on February 22. You may preorder your copy at www.nooma.com.
The discussion board / wall is filled with all types of personal praise and criticism. I do not desire to get involved in that activity. Feel free, however, to add your thoughts about certain theological statements and assertions. The purpose is not to glorify or curse Rob Bell. I have better things to do with my time. The items discussed though affect our lives depending on how they form us. I'll begin with one question: How do you respond to the command, "Don't ask God to feed someone who is hungry if you have plenty of food?"
Serving and Controlling.
"One who would be a leader, I am cautioned, has a greater weight of responsibility to honor the despised, share his earthly possessions, model interdependency, and encourage the use of gifts concealed in the unlikeliest among us. To the leader, then, the gift of humility is offered - the gift is the salvation of the proud, which comes from great difficulty from learning to receive from those who are least on Earth, yet greatest n the Kingdom.
:: Robert Lupton: "Compassion, Justice, and the Christian Life: Rethinking Ministry to the Poor."
Posted by
:::: Travis Keller ::::
11:18 AM
Labels: church, community, compassion, culture, deconstruction, dependency
Saturday, February 16, 2008
Blogging is the new "devotions?"
Remeber that term "devotions?"
"Did you do your devotions today?"
"I need to spend 15 minutes a day in my devotions."
What did that even mean?
I can only presume that the language of "devotions" was used as the idea of being devoted to God. So did that mean that only 15 minutes a day was devoted to God? I have always preferred the idea of the disciplines. Reading, solitude, writing, and prayer are all fundamental elements of the Christian life. I maintain a personal journal that I do not publish here but have also found that blogging has become a source of fulfillment as a discipline. We are able to read the thoughts and lives of fellow sojourners and learn and grow from one another. When I ensure that I have time to post and read others' posts I feel more creative and imaginitive as a hopeful follower of Jesus.
Posted by
:::: Travis Keller ::::
11:09 AM
Labels: discipline, imagination, language, prayer, reading, solitude, writing
Wednesday, February 13, 2008
Good People.
Today is good.
Today is good.
Kevin Peterson :: Lucy Peterson :: Simon Peterson
Kyle Meyers :: Kelsie Meyers :: Francis Xavier Myers
John Ballenger :: Adam Sylvia :: Heather Hofacre :: Anna Feeney
Andrew Hendrixson :: James Smith :: Steven :: Tom West
Tim Barenscheer :: Brittney Barenscheer :: Tony Stemen :: Caleb Epperson
Joe Hughes :: Katie Hughes :: Mandy Taylor
Steph Heayn :: Joe Farmer :: Tyler Delong :: Holly Delong
Sarah Keller :: Kyla Keller :: Travis Keller
Several friends and their friends came to Mount Vernon today to hear Shane Claiborne speak in chapel (Click here for the Podcast). We gathered in our apartment for a wonderful shared meal prepared by my wife. We had potato soup, sandwiches, Kyle and Kelsie's bread, spinach salad, crackers and cheese, and raw vegetables. Brittney brought some dessert and helped Sarah prepare. The conversation was casual but rich and whole.
Today is good.
Today is good.
Tuesday, February 12, 2008
Comments on The Church.
A friend and resident of Oakwood Hall who shall remain nameless (Ryan Walker) asked me visit a website that was just launched by a community of Jesus followers from his hometown. Please visit www.darnthechurch.com and add your perspective.
My comment is number 8 and reads as follows:
"The church is beautiful. It is just the institution that we have come to call the “church” that is disenchanting, imperialistic, distracting, and arrogant. We will only see the fullness of the beauty of the church upon deconstructing its current consciousness and embracing the radical call to be a compassionate, missional people, viewing ourselves as the covenant community of followers of Jesus."
I am still searching for other adjectives and descriptors of the carnality, beauty, and wholeness of the church. What would you include or disclude from my comment?
Monday, February 11, 2008
A Problem with a Solution.
Resurrection. New Life. Hope.
Please visit the International Justice Mission and CLICK HERE --> to WATCH THE VIDEO. The injustice of child sex trafficking is part of why Sarah and I are planning to adopt a little sister for Kyla. What are you going to do about it?
Sunday, February 10, 2008
Jesus and the Globe.
A post from one of my Mozilla Firefox RSS feeds dealt with an article from the Boston Globe about New Monasticism. Click here --> www.jesusmanifesto.com <-- to check out a review of a small section of the article and to link to the full article. Also click here --> Easter Ad Campaign Reaches Unchurched at Record Numbers <-- to read a beautiful satire.
Posted by
:::: Travis Keller ::::
1:55 PM
Labels: church, emergent, jesus, links, monasticism
Friday, February 08, 2008
Shane Claiborne @ MVNU + Lunch.
Shane Claiborne, author of The Irresistible Revolution and member/participant/advocate (I'm not sure what descriptor goes here) of The Simple Way, is teaching in chapel at MVNU on Wednesday, February 13 @ 10:20 a.m. Sarah and I have had several of our friends contact us about visiting and sharing a meal with us sometime after the service. We will be hosting lunch in our apartment for all or our friends and their friends. If you are interested in joining us for a shared meal please post a comment here or e-mail me so that we know how much food to have ready. We will be serving potato soup, sandwiches, fresh vegetables, spinach salad, and we're taking requests as well. Simply let us know that you are coming and then meet us in our apartment attached to Oakwood Hall after the chapel service. If you are unable to make it to the service the message should be available on the MVNU podcast.